A new file! Well, an update of an old file.
I took the suggestions from the first one (which are quite subversive and evil. I know the idea of trusting in me seems simple, and basic, and safe, but let me assure you that listening to this file gives me an incredible amount of power over you), and took out the singing. Most everything has been re-worked, although the general intent is the same - to get you to trust me completely, trusting my words even over your own thoughts, will, and desires.Do let me know what you think - the induction is a bit different, and I would love to know how well it worked for you.
Trust in Me V2
Hi there. Liked this. I think you might want to vary the tone when you have someone come up, to not the whisper...a more alertness producing tone would be good. I almost missed the wake up bit. Also,I wanted you to make us do something subversive, nefarious, whatever... I kept waiting for the thing that you were making us trust you in order to DO to us.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the feedback - I appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the "doing something", that is something I have noticed with my files - they tend to be far more mental, and not as much "obey me and do something for me". It's certainly past time for some files with some solid post hypnotic commands to use this wonderful trust I have built up. And trust me, you will love it ;-)
I love this file.. and my new panty collection ;) Thank you :)
ReplyDeleteI'm very late in responding to this, but I'm glad you're enjoying the file - and the panties ;)