Once again, it's been a while since I've written, or posted a new file. There's a few reasons for this, between the coming and spring, and general writer's block. I still have some partial scripts that I mentioned last time, as well as a few more fetish focused ones I've started and stopped since then. Just can't seem to wrap up a file, and I'm loath to let something out that's only half-finished.
I also have the half ideas about writing about topics that are vaguely hypnosis related, but honestly I can't seem to turn any of them into a full blog post - I'm just not opinionated enough to go on at length about many topics. Maybe eventually I'll work something up.
In general, this post is up here to let you know that I haven't disappeared, and that I am working on new material - it just takes time and inspiration. Along those lines, if there's something you'd like to see, either as a file, or as a post, feel free to let me know - either using the comments, or you could Contact Me.
Along those lines, if you're enjoying the files, please do let me know. And, if you're not enjoying them, I'd love to know that as well, especially if you can give me an idea of what you aren't enjoying - it'll ensure that future files are more to your liking.
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